New Guidelines has come up with Covid Vaccination for Pregnant Women

New Guidelines has come up with Covid Vaccination for Pregnant Women

Dr. Swati Gaikwad Pulse superspeciality clinic and prime sonography centre wagholi.

Please go through and take your vaccine as early as possible.

For Pregnant women:

Salient points in the zoom meeting conducted by NHM :

1) All pregnant women should be vaccinated.
2) pregnant women should be vaccinated in all trimesters..even in the first trimester
3) High risk mothers like preeclampsia, GDM, anemia, etc should be given covaxin
4) Prev lscs and Rh -ve need not be taken as high risk.
5) Epileptic mothers and heart disease mothers should be vaccinated in medical college after opinions.
6)Patient on heparin, aspirin, ivf conceptions, DVT mothers need to be vacccinated in tertiary care …if needed we can get expert opinion
7) Low risk mothers should be given covishield.
8) Td and covid vaccine can be given in the same day but at different sites , right and left arm like tat but in case if want to be on more safer side, then 2 weeks interval
9) Anti D and covid vaccines can be given on the same day but at different sites.
10) Covid vaccine can be combined with Blood transfusion and iron sucrose
11) Covid vaccine and sterilisation can go hand in hand.
12) Interval between 2 doses of vaccine is the same as for non pregnant adults.
13) Vaccine to be given for 18 yrs of age onwards only.
14) if mother is covid positive, leave 3 months gap before vaccination.
15) Counsel the mothers and vaccinate the pregnant mothers as soon as possible.
16) Vaccination status of the mother to be written ( preferably by a rubber stamp) in the RCH id card mentioning the date of first dose, what vaccine is given and date of second dose.If an AN mother is not willing for vaccine even after repeated counseling, that is to be highlighted in the RCH card
17) Vaccinated mother should be followed up for 20 days by the vhn.
18) AN mothers referred to tertiary care for vaccination should be accompanied by the VHN.
19) women on long-term contraceptive pills …gwt an opinion and vaccinate.
20) As such no contraindication for covid vaccination in Pregnancy and aim to cover as soon as possible all AN mothers by vaccination..

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